How to Generate More Leads with Content Marketing in 2023: 7 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Business


Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract, engage, and convert your target audience. But with so much content out there, how do you stand out from the crowd and generate more leads for your business in 2023? In this blog post, we will share with you seven proven strategies to create and distribute high-quality content that drives more traffic, leads, and sales for your business in 2023.

1. Create Keyword-Based Content Strategies

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful content marketing campaign. By finding out what your audience is searching for online, you can create content that matches their intent and solves their problems. To do keyword research in 2023, you can use tools like Bing Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition. You can also use tools like AnswerThePublic or BuzzSumo to find popular questions and topics related to your keywords. Once you have a list of keywords, you can use them to create content titles, headlines, subheadings, meta descriptions, and body text that are optimized for search engines and users.

2. Find Ways to Provide Additional Value with Your Content

In a world saturated with content, it’s crucial to offer something extra to your audience. Think about what sets your content apart from the competition. Consider incorporating elements like infographics, video tutorials, downloadable resources, or interactive content like quizzes and polls. By providing additional value, you not only engage your audience but also encourage them to share your content, increasing your reach and potential for lead generation.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is key in content marketing. Regularly publishing valuable content keeps your audience engaged and helps build trust. Create an editorial calendar that outlines your content schedule, ensuring you have a steady flow of content to share with your audience. Consistency not only attracts new visitors but also keeps existing ones coming back for more, increasing your chances of converting them into leads.

4. Leverage the Power of Visual Content

Visual content, such as images, infographics, and videos, can significantly enhance the impact of your content marketing efforts. People are naturally drawn to visual content, and it can help convey complex information more effectively. Use eye-catching visuals to complement your written content and make it more shareable. Consider platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, which are ideal for visual content sharing and can help you reach a broader audience.

5. Embrace the World of User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content involves your audience in the content creation process. Encourage your customers or followers to share their experiences, reviews, and testimonials related to your products or services. UGC not only adds authenticity to your brand but also provides social proof, increasing your credibility and the likelihood of attracting new leads who trust the opinions of their peers.

6. Personalize Your Content

In 2023, personalization is no longer a nice-to-have but a necessity. Tailor your content to cater to the unique preferences and needs of your audience segments. Use data and analytics to understand user behavior and preferences, allowing you to create content that resonates on a personal level. Personalized content not only enhances user engagement but also increases the chances of converting visitors into leads by addressing their specific pain points.

7. Measure, Analyze, and Adapt

Lastly, success in content marketing relies on continuous improvement. Regularly monitor the performance of your content by analyzing key metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, and social media engagement. Use these insights to adapt your strategies, focusing on what works and eliminating what doesn’t. Experiment with new content formats, topics, and distribution channels to stay ahead of the competition.


Content marketing is a powerful way to generate more leads for your business in 2023. By following these seven strategies, you can create and distribute high-quality content that attracts more visitors, engages more prospects, and converts more customers. If you need help with creating or managing your content marketing campaigns in 2023, contact us today and let us help you grow your business with content.

Supercharge Your Advertising Strategy with DV360: Maximizing the Benefits of Google Ads Services


Understanding Google Ads Services

Google Ads Services is a powerful platform that allows businesses to advertise their products and services on Google’s search engine and partner websites. It provides a variety of advertising options, including search ads, display ads, video ads, and more. With Google Ads Services, businesses can reach a wide audience and drive targeted traffic to their websites.

One of the main benefits of Google Ads Services is its ability to target specific keywords and demographics. This means that businesses can reach the right audience at the right time, increasing the chances of conversion. Additionally, Google Ads Services offers detailed analytics and reporting, allowing businesses to track the performance of their ads and make data-driven decisions.

The Benefits of Google Ads Services

Google Ads Services offers a multitude of benefits for businesses looking to maximize their advertising strategy. One of the key advantages is its reach. With Google being the most popular search engine in the world, businesses have the opportunity to reach millions of potential customers.

Another benefit of Google Ads Services is its flexibility. Businesses can set their own budget and only pay when someone clicks on their ad, ensuring that they get the most out of their advertising dollars. Additionally, Google Ads Services allows businesses to target specific keywords, demographics, and geographic locations, ensuring that their ads are seen by the right audience.

Introduction to DV360

DV360, also known as Display & Video 360, is an advanced advertising platform offered by Google. It is a programmatic buying platform that allows businesses to manage and optimize their digital advertising campaigns across multiple channels. With DV360, businesses can reach their target audience with precision and maximize their advertising ROI.

DV360 offers a variety of features and tools that enhance the advertising experience. One of the key features is its ability to access premium inventory. This means that businesses can display their ads on high-quality websites and apps, increasing brand visibility and credibility. Additionally, DV360 provides real-time bidding, allowing businesses to bid on ad placements in real-time and optimize their campaigns for maximum performance.

How DV360 Enhances Your Advertising Strategy

DV360 enhances your advertising strategy in several ways. Firstly, it provides access to a vast network of premium publishers, ensuring that your ads are displayed on high-quality websites and apps. This not only increases brand visibility but also builds trust with your target audience.

Secondly, DV360 offers advanced targeting options. It allows you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that your ads are seen by the right people. This precision targeting increases the chances of conversion and maximizes the return on your advertising investment.

Furthermore, DV360 provides robust analytics and reporting. It allows you to track the performance of your ads in real-time, providing valuable insights into what is working and what needs improvement. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for better results.

Maximizing the Benefits of Google Ads Services with DV360

To maximize the benefits of Google Ads Services with DV360, it is important to utilize the key features and tools offered by the platform. Here are some tips to help you optimize your Google Ads campaign with DV360:

1.       Leverage audience targeting: DV360 allows you to target specific audiences based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. Take advantage of this feature to reach the right people at the right time.

2.       Utilize data-driven insights: DV360 provides detailed analytics and reporting. Use this data to identify trends, optimize your ad placements, and make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.

3.       Experiment with different ad formats: DV360 offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, video ads, and native ads. Test different formats to see which ones perform best for your business.

4.       Optimize your bidding strategy: DV360 provides real-time bidding options. Experiment with different bidding strategies to find the most cost-effective approach for your campaigns.

5.       Monitor and adjust your campaigns: Regularly monitor the performance of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed. Use the insights provided by DV360 to identify areas for improvement and optimize your ads for better results.

By following these tips and utilizing the features offered by DV360, you can supercharge your advertising strategy and maximize the benefits of Google Ads Services.

DV360 vs. Other Advertising Platforms

While there are several advertising platforms available, DV360 stands out for its advanced features and capabilities. Here are some key differences between DV360 and other advertising platforms:

6.       Access to premium inventory: DV360 provides access to premium publishers, ensuring that your ads are displayed on high-quality websites and apps. Other platforms may not offer the same level of quality and credibility.

7.       Advanced targeting options: DV360 offers advanced targeting options, allowing you to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Other platforms may have more limited targeting capabilities.

8.       Real-time bidding: DV360 provides real-time bidding options, allowing you to optimize your campaigns in real-time. Other platforms may not offer the same level of flexibility and control.

9.       Robust analytics and reporting: DV360 offers detailed analytics and reporting, providing valuable insights into your ad performance. Other platforms may have more limited reporting capabilities.

Overall, DV360 provides a comprehensive and powerful advertising solution that can supercharge your advertising strategy and maximize the benefits of Google Ads Services.

Conclusion: Supercharging Your Advertising Strategy with DV360

In conclusion, DV360 offers a range of features and tools that can enhance your advertising strategy and maximize the benefits of Google Ads Services. By leveraging its advanced targeting options, premium inventory access, and robust analytics, you can reach your target audience with precision and optimize your campaigns for better results.

With DV360, you have the power to supercharge your advertising strategy and achieve tangible business results. So, take advantage of this powerful platform and unleash the true potential of your advertising efforts.

Start supercharging your advertising strategy with DV360 today and maximize the benefits of Google Ads Services!

How to Measure the ROI of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

ROI of Your Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a powerful way to reach and engage your target audience, but how do you know if your efforts are paying off? Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your digital marketing campaigns can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and optimize your budget. In this article, we will explain what digital marketing ROI is, why it is important, and how to calculate and improve it for different types of campaigns.

What is digital marketing ROI?

Digital marketing ROI is the ratio of the profit or revenue generated by your digital marketing activities to the cost of those activities. It shows you how much money you are making or losing from your online marketing efforts. A positive ROI means that you are earning more than you are spending, while a negative ROI means that you are losing money.

Why is digital marketing ROI important?

Digital marketing ROI is important for several reasons:

  • It helps you justify your marketing budget and demonstrate the value of your work to your stakeholders.
  • It helps you compare the performance of different campaigns and channels and identify the most profitable ones.
  • It helps you find areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.

How to calculate digital marketing ROI?

The basic formula for calculating digital marketing ROI is:

ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost x 100%

This formula gives you the percentage of profit or loss from your digital marketing activities. For example, if you spend $1000 on a Facebook ad campaign and generate $3000 in revenue, your ROI would be:

ROI = ($3000 – $1000) / $1000 x 100% = 200%

This means that for every dollar you spend on Facebook ads, you earn two dollars in return.

However, this formula may not be enough to capture the full picture of your digital marketing ROI. Depending on your goals and metrics, you may need to adjust the formula or use different variables. For instance, you may want to use net profit instead of revenue, which takes into account the expenses associated with producing and delivering your products or services. You may also want to use customer lifetime value (CLV) instead of revenue, which estimates the total amount of money a customer will spend with your business over time.

Additionally, you may need to use different methods to track and attribute the revenue or profit generated by your digital marketing campaigns. For example, if you are running an email marketing campaign, you may use a tracking code or a unique landing page to measure how many conversions or sales come from your emails. If you are running a content marketing campaign, you may use Google Analytics or other tools to measure how much traffic, leads, or sales come from your blog posts or ebooks.

How to improve digital marketing ROI?

There are many ways to improve your digital marketing ROI, but here are some general tips:

  • Set clear and realistic goals and KPIs for your campaigns and measure them regularly.
  • Use analytics tools and platforms to track and analyze your campaign performance and ROI.
  • Test different elements of your campaigns, such as headlines, images, copy, offers, etc., and see what works best for your audience.
  • Segment your audience and personalize your messages and offers based on their interests, behaviors, preferences, etc.
  • Optimize your landing pages and website for conversions and user experience.
  • Focus on quality over quantity and create valuable and relevant content for your audience.
  • Leverage social proof and testimonials to build trust and credibility with your prospects and customers.
  • Nurture your leads and customers with email marketing and remarketing campaigns.
  • Experiment with different channels and platforms and find the ones that deliver the best results for your business.


Digital marketing ROI is a crucial metric that can help you measure the success of your online marketing efforts. By calculating and improving your digital marketing ROI, you can optimize your budget, increase your profits, and grow your business. However, keep in mind that digital marketing ROI is not a one-size-fits-all concept. You need to define what it means for your specific goals and context and use the appropriate methods and tools to measure it.

How to create a successful Facebook marketing campaign in 2023

Facebook marketing campaign

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with nearly 3 billion monthly active users. It offers a variety of opportunities for businesses to reach and engage their target audiences, generate leads, and increase sales. However, Facebook marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a clear strategy, creative content, and constant optimization to achieve the best results.

In this article, we will share some tips and trends that will help you create a successful Facebook marketing campaign in 2023. Whether you are new to Facebook advertising or want to improve your existing campaigns, these insights will help you stay ahead of the curve and grow your business.

Tip #1: Define your goals and audience

Before you start creating your Facebook ads, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and who you want to reach. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, you may want to increase website traffic by 20% in the next three months or generate 100 new leads in the next two weeks.

Your audience should be based on your ideal customer profile and buyer persona. You can use Facebook’s Audience Network tool to find and define your audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can also create custom audiences from your existing customers or website visitors, or lookalike audiences from people who are similar to your best customers.

Tip #2: Choose the right ad format and placement

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats and placements that you can use to showcase your products or services, tell your brand story, or drive action. Depending on your goals and audience, you can choose from:

  • Image ads: These are simple but effective ads that display a single image with a headline, description, and call-to-action button.
  • Video ads: These are ads that display a video with sound and captions. You can use video ads to demonstrate how your product works, share customer testimonials or create emotional connections with your audience.
  • Carousel ads: These are ads that display multiple images or videos in a swipeable format. You can use carousel ads to showcase different features or benefits of your product, highlight customer reviews, or tell a sequential story.
  • Collection ads: These are ads that display a cover image or video with four product images below. You can use collection ads to showcase a product catalog, create an immersive shopping experience, or drive traffic to your website or app.
  • Instant Experience ads: These are full-screen interactive ads that load instantly when someone taps on them. You can use instant experience ads to create immersive brand experiences, showcase multiple products or services, or capture leads.
  • Reel ads: These are short-form video ads that appear between organic Reel content. You can use reel ads to reach a large and engaged audience, create viral content, or promote your products or services in a creative way.

You can also choose where you want your ads to appear on Facebook and its partner platforms. You can select from:

  • Facebook News Feed: This is the main feed where people see posts from their friends, pages they follow, and sponsored content.
  • Facebook Stories: These are ephemeral photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours. They appear at the top of the News Feed and Messenger app.
  • Facebook In-stream: These are video ads that play before, during, or after organic video content on Facebook Watch or other publishers’ videos.
  • Facebook Marketplace: This is a place where people can buy and sell goods from local businesses or individuals.
  • Facebook Video Feeds: These are feeds where people can discover and watch video content from pages they follow or topics they are interested in.
  • Facebook Right Column: These are banner ads that appear on the right side of the desktop version of Facebook.
  • Instagram Feed: This is the main feed where people see posts from accounts they follow and sponsored content.
  • Instagram Stories: These are ephemeral photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours. They appear at the top of the Instagram app.
  • Instagram Explore: This is a place where people can discover new content from accounts they don’t follow based on their interests.
  • Instagram Reels: These are short-form video content that people can create and watch on Instagram.
  • Audience Network: This is a network of third-party apps and websites that display Facebook ads.
  • Messenger Inbox: This is where people see messages from their friends and sponsored content.
  • Messenger Stories: These are ephemeral photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours. They appear at the top of the Messenger app.
  • Messenger Sponsored Messages: These are direct messages that businesses can send to people who have previously interacted with them on Messenger.

Tip #3: Create engaging and relevant content

The content of your Facebook ads is crucial for attracting attention, generating interest, and driving action. Your content should be engaging, relevant, and consistent with your brand voice and tone. Here are some tips to create effective content for your Facebook ads:

  • Use high-quality images or videos that showcase your product or service, highlight its benefits, or evoke emotions.
  • Use clear and concise headlines and descriptions that capture your audience’s attention, communicate your value proposition, or create curiosity.
  • Use a strong call-to-action button that tells your audience what you want them to do next, such as Shop Now, Learn More, Sign Up, or Download.
  • Use emojis, hashtags, or stickers to add personality, express emotions, or create a sense of urgency.
  • Test different variations of your content to see what performs best and optimize accordingly.

Tip #4: Optimize your landing page

Your landing page is the destination where you send your audience after they click on your ad. It should be relevant to your ad content, offer a clear and compelling value proposition, and have a single and specific goal. Here are some tips to optimize your landing page for your Facebook ads:

  • Use a responsive design that adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Use a fast-loading page that minimizes loading time and reduces bounce rate.
  • Use a clear and catchy headline that matches your ad headline and summarizes your offer.
  • Use a subheadline that elaborates on your headline and provides more details or benefits.
  • Use bullet points or short paragraphs to break down your content and make it easy to read.
  • Use images or videos that support your offer, demonstrate your product or service, or show social proof.
  • Use a prominent and contrasting call-to-action button that stands out from the rest of the page and tells your audience what to do next.
  • Use a simple and short form that asks for only the necessary information and minimizes friction.
  • Use testimonials, reviews, ratings, or badges to build trust and credibility.

Tip #5: Monitor and measure your results

The last tip for creating a successful Facebook marketing campaign in 2023 is to monitor and measure your results. You can use Facebook’s Ads Manager tool to track the performance of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads. You can also use Facebook’s Pixel tool to track the actions that people take on your website after clicking on your ads. Here are some metrics that you should pay attention to:

  • Impressions: The number of times your ads were shown on screen.
  • Reach: The number of people who saw your ads at least once.
  • Frequency: The average number of times each person saw your ads.
  • Clicks: The number of clicks on your ads or call-to-action buttons.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of impressions that resulted in clicks.
  • Cost per click (CPC): The average amount you paid for each click on your ads.
  • Conversions: The number of actions that people took on your website after clicking on your ads, such as purchases, and sign-ups.
  • Cost per conversion (CPC): The average amount you paid for each conversion on your website after clicking on your ads.
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): The ratio of revenue generated from your ads to the amount spent on them.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): The estimated net profit from a customer over their entire relationship with your business.

You can use these metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your Facebook marketing campaign, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions. You can also use Facebook’s A/B testing tool to compare different versions of your campaigns, ad sets, or ads and see which one performs better.

Trends to watch out for in 2023

Facebook marketing is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs and preferences of its users and advertisers. Here are some trends that you should watch out for in 2023 and incorporate into your Facebook marketing strategy:

  • Video content: Video content is one of the most engaging and popular forms of content on Facebook. According to Facebook, the video will account for 79% of global internet traffic by 2023. You should leverage video content to capture your audience’s attention, convey your message, and drive action. You can use different types of video content, such as live video, 360 video, vertical video, or interactive video, depending on your goals and audience.
  • Stories content: Stories content is another form of content that is gaining popularity on Facebook. Stories are ephemeral photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours. They offer a more authentic and personal way to connect with your audience and showcase your brand personality. You can use story content to share behind-the-scenes moments, offer exclusive deals, or create polls or quizzes.
  • Reels content: Reels content is a new form of content that was introduced by Instagram in 2020 and expanded to Facebook in 2021. Reels are short-form video content that can be edited with music, filters, stickers, or effects. They are similar to TikTok videos and offer a fun and creative way to reach and engage your audience. You can use reels content to showcase your products or services, create viral challenges, or collaborate with influencers.
  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): AR and VR are technologies that enhance or create immersive experiences for users. Facebook has been investing heavily in AR and VR, such as through its Oculus platform, Spark AR Studio, and Horizon VR social network. You can use AR and VR to create innovative and interactive experiences for your audience, such as product demos, virtual tours, or games.
  • Social commerce: Social commerce is the integration of e-commerce and social media platforms. Facebook has been developing various features and tools to facilitate social commerce, such as Facebook Shops, Instagram Shops, Checkout, Live Shopping, and more. You can use social commerce to create a seamless shopping experience for your audience, where they can discover, browse, and buy your products or services without leaving the app.


Facebook marketing is a powerful and effective way to grow your business in 2023. However, it requires a strategic approach, creative execution, and constant optimization to achieve the best results. By following the tips and trends we shared in this article, you can create a successful Facebook marketing campaign that will help you reach and engage your target audience, generate leads and sales, and increase your brand awareness and loyalty.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading. 😊

The best social media platforms for your business in 2023

Best Social Media Platforms For Your Business

Social media is not a fad, but a powerful tool that can help you grow your business, connect with your customers, and establish your brand authority. With more than 4.9 billion active social media users worldwide, you can reach a large and diverse audience that is interested in your products or services.

But how do you choose the best social media platforms for your business in 2023? There are so many options available, each with its own features, benefits, and challenges. To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of the top five social media platforms that you should consider for your business in 2023, based on their popularity, user demographics, functionality, and potential.


Facebook is still the king of social media, with 2.9 billion monthly active users as of January 2023. It is the most widely used and versatile platform, offering various features such as pages, groups, stories, live videos, marketplace, ads, and more. You can use Facebook to showcase your brand personality, share valuable content, interact with your followers, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website.

Facebook is suitable for almost any type of business, as it has a diverse and global user base. However, some challenges that you may face on Facebook include declining organic reach, the increasing competition, and changing algorithms. To succeed on Facebook in 2023, you will need to create engaging and relevant content that resonates with your target audience, use paid ads to boost your visibility and conversions and leverage the power of Facebook groups to build a loyal community around your brand.


Instagram is the second most popular social media platform in the world, with 2 billion monthly active users as of January 2023. It is a visual platform that allows you to share photos and videos of your products, behind-the-scenes stories, user-generated content, and more. You can also use Instagram to create shoppable posts and stories, where users can directly purchase your products without leaving the app.

Instagram is ideal for businesses that have a strong visual appeal, such as fashion, beauty, travel, food, art, and lifestyle. It is also popular among younger generations, with 71% of its users being under 35 years old. Some of the benefits of using Instagram for your business include the high engagement rate, the influencer marketing opportunities, and the creative tools such as filters, stickers, and reels. However, some of the drawbacks of Instagram include the limited link options (only one link in bio), the difficulty of measuring ROI (return on investment), and the need for high-quality images and videos.


TikTok is the fastest-growing social media platform in the world, with 1.05 billion monthly active users as of January 2023. It is a short-form video platform that allows you to create and share fun and entertaining videos up to 60 seconds long. You can also use TikTok to participate in viral challenges, trends, and hashtags, collaborate with other creators and influencers, and advertise your products or services.

TikTok is a great platform for businesses that want to reach a young and active audience (60% of its users are between 16 and 24 years old), showcase their brand personality and creativity, and increase their brand awareness and loyalty. Some of the advantages of using TikTok for your business include the high organic reach (due to the algorithm that shows content based on user preferences), the low production cost (you can use your smartphone to create videos), and the viral potential (you can easily get millions of views if your content is catchy and original). However, some of the challenges of TikTok include the short attention span (you have to capture users’ interest in the first few seconds), the legal and ethical issues (such as data privacy and content moderation), and the difficulty of monetizing (there is no direct way to sell products or services on TikTok).


LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world, with 774 million monthly active users as of January 2023. It is a platform that allows you to connect with other professionals in your industry or niche, showcase your expertise and achievements, share valuable insights and information, and generate leads and sales.

LinkedIn is perfect for businesses that operate in the B2B (business-to-business) sector or target professionals as their customers. It is also a great platform for personal branding, recruiting talent, and building partnerships. Some of the benefits of using LinkedIn for your business include high-quality leads (you can target users by their job title, industry, location, and more), credibility (you can establish your brand as a thought leader and a trusted source of information), and the organic reach (you can reach a large and relevant audience without paying for ads). However, some of the drawbacks of LinkedIn include the low engagement rate (users are less likely to comment, like, or share your content), the limited creativity (you have to follow a professional tone and style), and the high competition (you have to stand out from other brands and experts in your field).


YouTube is the second-largest search engine and the largest video platform in the world, with 2.5 billion monthly active users as of January 2023. It is a platform that allows you to upload and watch videos on various topics, such as education, entertainment, news, sports, and more. You can also use YouTube to create live streams, stories, shorts, and ads.

YouTube is an excellent platform for businesses that want to showcase their products or services in action, educate their customers, entertain their audience, and increase their brand awareness and trust. Some of the benefits of using YouTube for your business include the high SEO value (you can rank your videos on Google and YouTube search results), the long-term value (your videos can generate views and revenue for years), and the monetization options (you can earn money from ads, memberships, merchandise, and more). However, some of the challenges of YouTube include the high production cost (you need to invest in equipment, software, and editing), the high competition (you have to compete with millions of other videos and channels), and the difficulty of growing your channel (you need to optimize your videos for keywords, thumbnails, titles, descriptions, tags, and more).


Social media is a powerful tool that can help you grow your business in 2023. However, you need to choose the best social media platforms for your business based on your goals, audience, industry, and budget. The five platforms that we have discussed in this blog post are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Each of them has its own features, benefits, and challenges that you need to consider before creating your social media strategy. By choosing the right platforms for your business, you can maximize your social media presence and performance in 2023.

How to create engaging and shareable content for your audience

Engaging and shareable content

Content is king, as the saying goes. But not all content is created equal. Some content gets ignored, while some content gets viral. What makes the difference? How can you create engaging and shareable content for your audience?

In this blog post, we will share some tips and tricks on how to create content that attracts, engages, and delights your audience, and ultimately drives more traffic and conversions for your business.

What is engaging and shareable content?

Engaging and shareable content is content that captures the attention of your audience, provides value to them, and motivates them to take action. It is content that resonates with your audience’s needs, interests, emotions, and goals. It is content that encourages your audience to interact with you, comment on your posts, like and share your content, and refer others to your website.

Engaging and shareable content is not only good for your audience but also good for your SEO. When your content gets more engagement and shares, it signals to search engines that your content is relevant and authoritative, which can boost your rankings and visibility.

How to create engaging and shareable content?

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for creating engaging and shareable content, but there are some general principles and best practices that you can follow. Here are some of them:

Know your audience

The first step to creating engaging and shareable content is to know who you are creating it for. You need to understand your target audience’s demographics, psychographics, pain points, challenges, desires, aspirations, preferences, and behaviors. You need to create buyer personas that represent your ideal customers and use them as a guide for your content creation.

Knowing your audience will help you create content that is relevant, useful, and personalized for them. It will help you tailor your tone, style, format, language, and message to suit their needs and expectations. It will help you create content that solves their problems, answers their questions, educates them, entertains them, or inspires them.

Do keyword research

Keyword research is the process of finding out what words and phrases your audience uses when they search for information related to your topic or industry. Keyword research will help you discover what topics are popular, what questions are frequently asked, what problems are commonly faced, and what solutions are sought after by your audience.

Keyword research will help you create content that matches the search intent of your audience. It will help you optimize your content for SEO by using the right keywords in the right places. It will help you create content that ranks higher on search engines and drives more organic traffic to your website.

Use catchy headlines

Your headline is the first thing that your audience sees when they encounter your content. It is what determines whether they will click on it or not. Therefore, you need to make sure that your headline is catchy, compelling, and clear.

A catchy headline is one that grabs the attention of your audience with a hook or a promise. It arouses their curiosity or interest by using words like “how”, “why”, “what”, “best”, “secret”, “surprising”, “shocking”, etc. It also conveys the benefit or value of reading your content by using words like “tips”, “tricks”, “strategies”, “hacks”, “steps”, “ways”, etc.

A compelling headline is one that creates a sense of urgency or emotion in your audience. It makes them feel like they need to read your content right now or they will miss out on something important or valuable. It uses words like “now”, “today”, “immediately”, “fast”, “easy”, “guaranteed”, etc. It also appeals to their emotions by using words like “amazing”, “awesome”, “fantastic”, “incredible”, etc.

A clear headline is one that tells your audience exactly what your content is about and what they can expect from it. It does not mislead or confuse them with vague or ambiguous terms. It uses simple and direct language that communicates the main idea or message of your content.

Use visuals

Visuals are essential for creating engaging and shareable content. Visuals include images, videos, infographics, charts, graphs, screenshots, gifs, memes, etc. Visuals help you break up the text and make it easier to read and digest. They also help you illustrate your points and make them more memorable and persuasive.

Visuals can also increase the engagement and shareability of your content. According to HubSpot, visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. Visuals can also boost the emotional appeal of your content by adding humor, personality, or emotion.

When using visuals, make sure that they are relevant, high-quality, and original. Avoid using stock photos or images that are overused or clichéd. Use tools like Canva or Piktochart to create your own visuals or edit existing ones. Also, make sure that you optimize your visuals for SEO by using descriptive file names, alt texts, and captions.

Use storytelling

Storytelling is the art of using narratives to convey your message and connect with your audience. Storytelling can help you create engaging and shareable content by making it more human, relatable, and memorable.

Storytelling can help you showcase your brand personality, values, and culture. It can help you share your customer success stories, case studies, testimonials, or reviews. It can help you demonstrate your expertise, authority, and credibility. It can help you inspire your audience to take action or change their behavior.

When using storytelling, make sure that you follow a clear structure that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Use the classic storytelling elements of characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. Use sensory details, emotions, dialogue, and humor to make your story more vivid and engaging.

Add a call to action

A call to action (CTA) is a statement that tells your audience what you want them to do next after reading your content. A CTA can help you create engaging and shareable content by motivating your audience to take action and achieve their goals.

A CTA can help you generate leads, conversions, sales, or referrals for your business. It can help you grow your email list, social media followers, blog subscribers, or website traffic. It can help you get feedback, comments, ratings, or reviews from your audience.

When creating a CTA, make sure that it is clear, concise, and compelling. Use action verbs that indicate what you want your audience to do, such as “download”, “sign up”, “buy”, “share”, etc. Use words that create a sense of urgency or scarcity, such as “now”, “today”, “limited”, “only”, etc. Use words that highlight the benefit or value of taking action, such as “free”, “bonus”, “discount”, “exclusive”, etc.


Creating engaging and shareable content for your audience is not easy, but it is not impossible either. By following the tips and tricks we shared in this blog post, you can create content that attracts, engages, and delights your audience, and ultimately drives more traffic and conversions for your business.

If you need more help with creating engaging and shareable content for your audience, feel free to contact us at D Media Marketing. We are a digital marketing agency that specializes in creating high-quality content for various industries and niches. We can help you create content that ranks higher on search engines and gets more engagement and shares on social media.

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might find it useful. And don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more digital marketing tips and tricks.

Six methods to leverage generative AI for your search strategy

Generative AI

The death of the 10 blue links: The revolutionary role of generative AI in search.

With the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI), search marketing has been empowered with advanced capabilities that go beyond traditional approaches. Generative AI is reshaping how we find information online, transforming search marketing and revolutionizing how marketers optimize online presence.

What does generative search mean anyway?

Google splits its  AI products into two categories – Predictive and Generative. Before we dive in, let’s first understand what generative AI is and distinguish it from the more traditional form of predictive AI.

Predictive AI is Google’s bread and butter and has been transformative over the last five years. Google Ads leverages machine learning and predictive modeling to suggest actions or decisions based on user preferences, powering what you should bid in an auction and what search terms your keywords should match to, as well as providing real-time insights to help enhance the search experience.

Generative AI, on the other hand, takes data and creates new and original content, such as text, images (the banner used in this article, for example), and even videos. Unlike traditional AI systems that rely on pre-programmed rules, generative AI utilizes neural networks to learn patterns and generate outputs based on the data it has been trained on. 

With the rise of core creative AIs like ChatGPT and Midjourney coming into popular culture, it begs the question, “Does this spell the end of the publisher-backed internet and the ten blue SERP links?!”

In Adthena’s recent webinar The future of search: How Generative AI will revolutionize the search strategy, Guy Gobert-Jones, search and solutions consultant of Omnicom MediaGroup (OMG), answers this by unpacking the short and long-term impacts of generative AI. 

Gobert-Jones predicts, “The reality will be much more nuanced, focusing on where the AI creates truly addictive user experiences. We will end up with around 10% of total searches powered by this technology.” 

The role of AI in search

AI is transforming the search landscape and revolutionizing how we find information online. Its ability to generate human-like responses, understand context, and personalize search results has elevated the search experience to new heights.

From a more tactical view, here are six ways generative AI can transform your search strategy.

  1. Automated asset generation:

Automated asset generation is a big topic at the moment. These models power ad formats in campaign types like Performance Max to allow core assets to be seamlessly manipulated into different versions for different devices and ad slot sizes. 

By analyzing existing ad campaigns, user behavior and market trends, generative AI algorithms can generate original and persuasive ad copy. This AI-generated ad copy saves time and effort and will help marketers experiment with different messaging variations and identify the most effective versions – resulting in increased click-through rates (CTRs) and improved ad performance.

Conversely, Gobert-Jones questions, “Current automated asset creation does not leave room for consistent adherence to brand guidelines, but as the technology develops, I expect we will get greater ability to add the guardrails.”

This question comes up a lot. Adthena’s Campaign Optimization solution leverages AI to propose various ad copy variations and enhancements, aiming to optimize the impact of search ads and achieve maximum effectiveness.

  1. Real-time bid optimization:

The success of a paid search campaign is very much dependent on effective bid management. Leveraging real-time AI-powered data, such as keyword performance, competitors’ bidding strategies and user behavior, will help marketers optimize bidding decisions dynamically. Search marketers can now automate bid adjustments, ensuring optimal ad placement and cost efficiency. This real-time bid optimization, in turn, leads to better ad positioning, increased visibility and improved ROI.

Marketers can now use automated Brand Activator technology to help with just this. When a brand term ranks number one on the SERP for both paid and organic, with no other bidders, there is no need to pay for those clicks. Brand Activator automatically detects those terms and adds them to the negative keyword list. Customers pocket the savings or reinvest in generic terms to drive new revenue.

  1. Audience targeting and segmentation:

By analyzing user data and behavior patterns, marketers can identify relevant audience segments for paid search campaigns. Marketers can use Whole Market View technology to understand user demographics, preferences and online behavior. By leveraging AI to refine targeting strategies, marketers can deliver tailored ads to specific user groups to maximize ad relevance and increase the chance of conversions.

  1. Ad creative testing:

Without question, A/B testing is a vital aspect of paid search strategies. Generative AI can automate the ad creative testing process by generating multiple versions of ads and analyzing their performance. This provides valuable insights into which ad elements, such as headlines, images or calls to action, drive the best results. 

  1. Predictive performance analytics:

Generative AI can provide predictive analytics to forecast paid search campaign performance. By analyzing historical data, market trends and user behavior, marketers can predict the potential outcomes of different bidding strategies, budget allocations, and targeting approaches, helping them to make data-informed decisions and optimize their campaigns proactively.

  1. Ad personalization and optimization:

Last but by no means least, generative AI will help deliver personalized ads to individual users based on their preferences and behavior. Generative AI can generate customized ad variations that resonate with specific individuals by analyzing user data and historical interactions. This personalization enhances the user experience, increases relevancy, and drives higher engagement and conversion rates.

To put this into practice, a Campaign Optimization solution is available that helps customers analyze and evaluate ad copy performance by considering factors like click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement metrics. The technology leverages AI to suggest ad copy variations and improvements to maximize the effectiveness of search ads.

What does this mean at the back end?

So, what does this all mean for marketers working within advertising platforms, such as Google Ads?

Gobert-Jones suggests this is where technology will be more transformative. “Think AI assistants in advertising platforms which are there to help you identify trends, spot opportunities and test new ad variations.”

Omnicom recently announced a series of generative AI partnerships with Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Adobe to access and apply their models within an Omnicom tech environment.

Generative AI – It’s going nowhere but upwards

Generative AI, with its ability to generate human-like responses, understand context and personalize search results, has elevated the search experience to new heights. As generative AI continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the future of search, offering more accurate, personalized and relevant results to users worldwide.

So, what next? 

The curious world of artificial intelligence is a minefield. If you’re a little in the dark about how AI can fit into your search strategy, unsure who is bidding on your brand, where they are doing it and what adverts they are using, check out Adthena’s guide Reveal your wasted budget with AI-powered search intelligence to reveal AI-driven strategies for unparalleled search success and revenue optimization.

TikTok Search Ads Are Here

TikTok Search Ads

TikTok has unveiled a new feature called the “Search Ads Toggle,” which permits advertisers to display their ads alongside organic video search results on the platform. This move marks TikTok’s entry into search result-based advertising.

The Search Ads Toggle can be found within TikTok Ads Manager. It utilizes existing In-Feed Ad content to deliver ads within relevant user queries’ organic video search outcomes. Notably, these search ads are an extension of the TikTok video ad purchasing process.

Despite not being a standalone product, TikTok’s search ads are a significant addition for advertisers, given the platform’s substantial user base of 100 million monthly active users in the U.S. This presents a considerable opportunity for brands and businesses to enhance their visibility. Google has acknowledged the competitive challenge posed by TikTok’s search capabilities and its potential impact on Google’s search business. In 2022, TikTok managed to double its share of the digital advertising market, despite ongoing discussions of potential bans.

The mechanics of TikTok search ads involve them being labeled as “Sponsored.” Their placement within search results depends on factors like relevance, user intent derived from search queries, and insights from user behavior patterns. Upon clicking a search ad, users experience a similar interface to the in-feed TikTok content, allowing them to scroll through search results as they appear on the page.

Safety measures are also in place for advertisers, as they can include negative keywords to prevent their ads from appearing alongside content that doesn’t align with their brand’s message.

By default, the Search Ads Toggle is enabled when setting up In-Feed Ads, but it can be turned off if desired. TikTok shared that campaigns with the toggle activated tend to see more efficient performance, with 70% of ad groups experiencing improved conversions from search ads, according to the platform’s internal data.

The development of TikTok’s search ads has been a long-anticipated process. Testing began last year, and TikTok expressed its intention to challenge industry giants like Google and Microsoft in this space. During the testing phase, advertisers weren’t able to bid on specific keywords, as TikTok curated relevant and impactful keywords for each advertiser.

For more information, you can read TikTok’s official announcement about the introduction of the TikTok Search Ads Toggle.

FAQs for TikTok Search Ads Introduction

1. What are TikTok Search Ads?

TikTok Search Ads are a new advertising feature on the platform that allows advertisers to display their ads alongside organic video search results when users search for relevant content.

2. How can advertisers access TikTok Search Ads?

Advertisers can access TikTok Search Ads through the TikTok Ads Manager, where they can use the “Search Ads Toggle” feature to enable search-based advertising.

3. Are TikTok Search Ads a standalone product?

No, TikTok Search Ads are not a standalone product. They are an extension of the TikTok video ad purchasing process, allowing advertisers to integrate their ads into search results.

4. Why are TikTok Search Ads significant for advertisers?

TikTok has a vast user base with 100 million monthly active users in the U.S., providing a substantial opportunity for brands and businesses to increase their visibility through search-based advertising.

5. How do TikTok Search Ads work in terms of ad placement?

The placement of TikTok Search Ads is determined by factors such as relevance, user intent (based on search queries), and insights from user behavior patterns. These ads are labeled as “Sponsored.”

6. What safety measures are in place for advertisers using TikTok Search Ads?

Advertisers have the option to include negative keywords to ensure their ads do not appear alongside content that doesn’t align with their brand’s message, providing brand safety controls.

7. Can advertisers turn off the Search Ads Toggle if needed?

Yes, advertisers have the flexibility to turn off the Search Ads Toggle when setting up In-Feed Ads if they choose not to participate in search-based advertising.

8. How do TikTok Search Ads perform compared to other ad formats?

TikTok has reported that campaigns with the Search Ads Toggle enabled tend to see more efficient performance, with around 70% of ad groups experiencing improved conversions from search ads, according to TikTok’s internal data.

9. When did TikTok start testing search ads, and why is it significant?

TikTok began testing search ads in the previous year, and it’s significant because it positions TikTok as a competitive player challenging industry giants like Google and Microsoft in the search advertising space.

10. Can advertisers bid on specific keywords for TikTok Search Ads?

During the testing phase, advertisers were not able to bid on specific keywords for TikTok Search Ads. Instead, TikTok curated relevant and impactful keywords for each advertiser to optimize ad placements.

These FAQs provide an overview of TikTok Search Ads and their significance for advertisers on the platform.

Navigating the Choice Between UTM Tagging and Auto-Tagging in Google Ads

UTM Tagging and Auto-Tagging in Google Ads


In the fiercely competitive marketing landscape, reaching your target audience effectively is paramount, especially through channels like Google Ads. While Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns require an investment, their value is undeniable. To maximize your marketing budget, tactics like website tagging are essential for tracking performance and optimizing strategies. This article delves into the details of two tagging methods: Google Ads auto-tagging and UTM tagging, aiding you in making informed decisions about their usage.

Understanding UTM Tagging:

UTM, or Urchin Tracking Module, originated in 1995 as a web analysis tool. It gained prominence for tracking ads and links, particularly in social and email campaigns. Google recognized its potential and acquired it, leading to the birth of Google Analytics. UTM tagging involves integrating code into a URL’s end, helping Google Analytics identify traffic sources. This facet is crucial for evaluating ad campaign effectiveness. There are five UTM parameters: Campaign source, medium, name, term, and content.

1. Campaign Source:

Identifies the platform or search engine where the ad runs, including social media and third-party sites.

2. Campaign Medium:

Describes the advertising type using the URL, such as paid search, email, or banner ads.

3. Campaign Name:

Enables campaign naming for better assessment of user engagement.

4. Campaign Term:

Applicable to paid ads, this identifies competing keywords.

5. Campaign Content:

Differentiates various ad content types leading to the website.

UTM Implementation:

UTM tags can be added manually, but the process can be error-prone and cumbersome due to long strings. Alternatively, tracking templates and UTM link builder tools streamline this process. These parameters enable tracking link clicks, aiding in reporting and analysis using tools like Google Analytics.

Auto-Tagging in Google Ads:

While UTM tagging provides valuable insights, Google Ads offers auto-tagging for a simpler approach. Instead of five parameters, auto-tagging relies on the Google Click Identifier (GCLID), automatically generated upon ad clicks or appearances in apps. Auto-tagging provides more comprehensive insights:

– Query Match Type

– Ad Group connection

– Final URL

– Ad format (text, display, video)

– Ad distribution network (Google Search)

– Content network ad domain

– Google Ads Customer ID

Auto-tagging’s closed system limits cross-channel tracking and attribution outside Google Ads and Analytics.

When to Avoid Auto-Tagging:

Auto-tagging’s limitation to Google ecosystem data restricts its use in scenarios involving third-party analytics, automation, CRM software, and in-house tools. Platforms outside this ecosystem can’t decipher GCLIDs.

Dynamic Manual Tagging:

While auto-tagging excels within Google’s ecosystem, dynamic manual tagging allows combining auto-tagging benefits with UTM tagging’s cross-channel tracking capabilities. Dynamic tagging employs global site tags or Google Tag Manager for codeless tag management, enhancing measurement and conversion accuracy.

UTM and Auto-Tagging Hybrid:

To leverage both methods, enable auto-tagging in Google Ads settings, define UTM parameters using Tracking Templates, and allow manual tagging to override auto-tagging. This approach preserves GCLID benefits while utilizing UTM parameters for cross-channel tracking.

Choosing Between UTM and Auto-Tagging:

Your choice hinges on campaign goals and tools in use:

1. Exclusively Google Ads and Analytics:

Auto-tagging simplifies tracking within Google’s ecosystem but limits buyer journey insights.

2. Third-Party Tools:

UTM tagging suits campaigns requiring third-party analytics or CRM platforms.

3. Google Analytics and Third-Party Tools:

Hybrid tagging blends both methods, ideal for diverse data destinations, rich insights, and comprehensive tracking.


UTM and auto-tagging each have their merits. Determining the right method depends on campaign goals, tool ecosystems, and data requirements. Hybrid tagging, combining UTM and auto-tagging, presents a versatile solution for embracing both benefits. By understanding these tagging approaches, marketers can optimize their ad campaigns effectively.

Revolutionizing Keyword Research with AI Chatbots to Achieve 10X Growth

Many search marketers now leverage AI tools to support their SEO efforts, according to International SEO Consultant, Aleyda Solis.

However, while Google has confirmed that AI-generated content is OK as long as it’s high-quality, original, and useful, the search engine has also indicated that expertise and content based on real human experience will be rewarded with better visibility.

Finding the right back balance is key, and SEOs that fail to do this are likely to struggle to be competitive, Solis explained at SMX Advanced. But where to start?

Here’s a recap of Solis’ top tips on how marketers can make the most out of AI, beyond generating articles, to maximize their keyword research.

1. Give specific, descriptive, and comprehensive prompts

If you want the best possible answers from generative AI tools, you need to use the best possible prompts, Solis said.

“Make your prompts specific, descriptive and comprehensive,” she said before adding that instructions should address the five Ws and the H:

  • Who is the target audience?
  • What is the expected goal?
  • Where is it going to be used?
  • When is it going to be used?
  • Why do you want to use it?
  • How do we want to deliver this (e.g. format, language, tone, structure, length)?

Following these prompt rules can potentially save you a lot of time and produce quality results.

2. Hot topics inspiration

You can also generate ideas for hot topics using chatbots. If, for example, a TV show (e.g., “Succession”) was trending, you could leverage AI to find out the top 10 most-searched-for questions about the series, she said:

  • “AI will provide the results in a table, listing the top questions and search intent.”
  • “I can then create content that piggybacks on the popularity of this TV series, which is amazing.”
  • “This can save you so much time as you now don’t have to use different tools to get these ideas.”

3. Generate article ideas

Once you’ve discovered hot topics using AI, you can connect these findings to your brand’s subject matter expert to produce article ideas.

Solis said she combined her research on “Succession” with the subject matter of a website on remote work. AI provided her with five potential article topic ideas:

  • “You can also obtain suggestions based on the top-ranking articles.”
  • “Using AI, you can see what pages are already ranking well for the query that you want to target.”
  • “I asked for five article topic ideas that will allow me to rank for ‘Succession remote working’ based on the current articles ranking for this query in the top positions (but without copying them), then prioritize them based on the level of potential popularity and the user search behavior.”
  • “It’s such a creative tool!”

4. Deep dive with People also ask questions

Are you using AI to discover the intent behind Google’s People also ask questions? By identifying intent, the risk of duplication can also be eliminated, Solis said:

  • “I love People Also Ask – it helps you to understand how to structure questions.”

5. Suggested title tags and descriptions

You can use AI to suggest title tags and descriptions for each keyword.

6. Discover your competition

Another great way to use AI in your day-to-day SEO tasks – is to find out who your competitors are for specific keywords. Solis explained:

  • “This doesn’t only serve as an input to pretty much create content, but also to validate and check that you’re actually targeting the right thing.”
  • “So for example, if we are looking at who are the top five websites publishing content about ChatGPT for SEO and what are the top pages that they publish about this topic in 2023, you can use this tool for research.”
  • “But you can also validate and verify that what you are writing will provide a new and different angle on a topic that is also popular and already covered by the main websites in your industry.”

7. Inspiration without duplication

AI can suggest new and fresh content ideas for topics rival websites have already covered. Solis said:

  • “You can ask AI to suggest three topics that have been covered but without duplicating the topics.”
  • “Just ask AI to suggest headlines for these topics.”

8. Validation and confirmation

Are you uncertain about certain questions, such as “Is a single page enough to target two different search queries relating to this topic”? AI can help provide the answers. This type of validation is also applicable to a more international search scenario. Solis added:

  • “You can check if it is viable to run for a query across different country markets with the same pages because you may think, do I need different versions of this page to target this query in the UK versus the US versus Australia? Because while the language is the same, we know that in certain cases the terminology can be different.”
  • “We can double check again by asking AI what type of pages are ranking in the top 10 positions in the UK, US, and Australia.”

9. Obtain video content ideas

You can also ask AI for different video content ideas based on topics and keywords that are trending.

For example, you can ask it to suggest five video topics for ChatGPT for SEO based on existing trending video content. Explaining why this tool can be particularly helpful to marketers, Solis said:

  • “Many times, we can get [inspiration] blockage and cannot come up with something new and it’s difficult to identify trending topics to maximize that others are not yet covering. This is a great solution.”
  • “We can also get suggestions on hashtags for these videos when optimizing them for YouTube but without copying those in the top front pages.”

10. Tools for scientific insights

When marketers are working on more technical campaigns, perhaps in the medical or health industries, it’s important to be able to provide scientific quotes and cite research.

Solis explained that AI tools like Consensus were great for such tasks. She said:

  • “Tools like Consensus to get scientific insights to quote and link to have been so useful.”